Individual Study Plan

Individual Study Plan William Perry Community, Environment, and Planning Class of 2019 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Letter of Introduction 2 My Past and Future 3-4 Course Plan Table 5 Autumn 2017 6-7 Winter 2018 8 Spring 2018 9 Autumn 2019 10 Winter 2019 11 Spring 2019 12 Meth...


Community, Environment, and Planning

Class of 2019


       I have always been interesting in building thing, which is unique of me to be in CEP. While nothing sounds more appealing to me than to spend all day shop, working on projects, I believe there is a greater importance to learn why to build things than how. The ability to understand how situations came to be, is a valuable skill. It allows me to understand why people make the decision they do and how their decisions will play out. Community, Environment, and Planning provides a unique set of class include topics in political science, environmental engineering, Architecture, and Ethics. All of these topics provide me with the background knowledge needed to make well informed decisions in the future.

Course Plan Table

Individualized Study Plan