Planning Projects
Wilburton, Washington
In Fall 2018, my major participated in the Livable-City Year (LCY) with Bellevue as our subject. Addressing several urban issues within this city, I participated in planning process to integrate trail oriented design into this quickly growing city. With the focus surrounding the the development of a bike trail from a rail road running through the city, my team and I analyzed the surrounding area and provided valuable input
Eastside Rail Corridor Trail Development Site
Maple Valley, Washington
Working for the city of Maple Valley, my team and I reflected on the history of a piece of property formally known as the Legacy site. With the goal to develop this 55 acre plot tucked in the middle of the city, we preformed stakeholder interviews, consulted with Maple Valley municipal government, and lead community meetings to listen to the community’s needs and concerns.
Ballard, Washington
Studying Environmental Impact Statements, I chose to learn about a local project that effects the bicycling community. The Burke-Gilman Missing Link is a 1.4 mile stretch of a 21 mile bike path running through the Northern half of Seattle. Learning how to interpret scientific findings into laymen’s terms. Through site observations, listening to community concerns, and reading EIS documents I explained the current state and future of the Missing Link.